Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wala - Nothing

Toasting bread. At first, I realized I didn't have a toaster. How do you toast bread without a toaster? Throw it on the pan I guess? It seemed to have worked out.

I tried to make swirly coffee foam art with my instant coffee and creamer; similar to latte art on espresso based lattes. It's nice, though, it dissipates too quickly. Plus, it's instant coffee so it tastes bad.

That's what happens when you bump a flimsy plastic table with instant coffee on it.

I did almost nothing interesting today. Actually, to think of it, I did nothing interesting today. Try not to fall asleep reading this. For breakfast, I made toast with peanut butter and scrambled eggs. I then watched some TV. Wrote in my journal. Went outside to pet the dog.

Rambo, the dog, after I pet him.

I have two can openers which are horrible at opening cans; or, the cans are horribly designed to accommodate the openers. Regardless, I had to butcher my can to open it.

At 3 PM I cooked corned beef from the can and ate that with an egg and garlic rice. Kenny ate it with me which I’m hoping he was okay with. Journal. In the late afternoon, I got so sick of journaling I tried to watch TV. There was nothing on TV so I went back to journaling. I tried something different and started reading the “The 4-hour Workweek” book.

The book was interesting and was more interesting than I thought it would be. I don’t normally read books but this one caught my interest because it’s something I want to try doing and that I’ve witnessed someone else do. It talked about figuring out a way so that you can work only 4 hours a week (or less) by outsourcing most of your work and automating it. It talked against the idea of working hard to save up for retirement; instead, it suggested taking mini-retirements as you work at something you like doing. For me, this is pretty much what I’m trying to accomplish.

Sander looks on to the dance floor during Oops disco.

Kenny and I decided to go out and have a little social life and go to Oops bar by 10 PM. We missed happy hour so we went to Coco Vida. Later we met up with Sander and stayed around for the Oops bar disco. That was about the most interesting part of the day.

- jason

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