Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Daniel, Daniel, and Daniel

Mona Lisa serves Eileen a calamansi

Pretty much hung around coco vida all day to do internet. In the evening, I hung out at Genesis and met Rachel, Abi, Daniel, and Daniel; they’re all from England but teaching English in Hong Kong now. They’re a fun bunch of people and Daniel (Swiss), Glenn, and I ate dinner with them and went to Coco Vida afterwards for drinks.

Daniel's Tebori style tattoo from Japan

One of the Daniels had a really interesting tattoo on his shoulder down to his elbow. He originally had it partially made by some master Japanese Tebori tattoo artist in Japan. Years later, he went back to Japan, found the same tattoo artist, stayed at his place for a few days, and got his tattoo added on to. He originally wanted the tattoo applied the old traditional way (by hand, non-machine) but it would have taken too long. Instead, the artist used a machine but mimicked the look of the old method.

Rachel's picture taking technique - Don't think, just shoot

Rachel had an interesting style of taking pictures with her digital SLR camera -- randomly without looking from hip level. This style of photography reminded me of the Holga/toy camera method where their motto is to “don’t think, just shoot” when taking pictures. I asked Rachel about it, and coincidentally she has a Lomo toy camera. She says she gets more interesting photos by shooting the way she does.

Daniel, Eileen, Daniel and I

At Coco Vida, we had several rounds of expensive mixed drinks and had a generally great time. It’s unfortunate that I just met these guys because they’re fun to hang out with and they were leaving the next day. Good times.

- jason

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