Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Chocolate Hills and Tarsiers

Tarsier...ugly little bugger

Jos and Marion left today but I got to hang out with them in them in the morning. Patrick, Ramona, Jana, and I took the day off from diving to visit the Chocolate Hills -- really the only supposedly worthwhile place to visit on the island. We hired a driver to drive us to Chocolate Hills for 1800 pesos for all 4 of us. Our driver, Jaylo, took us in his nice air conditioned Kia SUV.

Suspension bridge made out of bamboo

Our driver was friendly to the extent I was a little suspicious; he really wanted us to enjoy ourselves and so he wanted to take us to more places than we asked for. First he took us to a uninteresting statue with a lot of merchants around wanting to see me souvenirs. Shortly after, we arrive at a old church that supposedly is the oldest around. Next we visited a place that housed tarsiers -- a small nocturnal tree swelling primate with a rat like tail and big eyes. These were cool but sad to see in cages. A suspension bridge over a river was our next stop which was fine. Finally, we go to the Chocolate Hills.

The Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills is a World Heritage site and one of the biggest tourist attractions in Bohol. Jaylo parked the car and asked me for 100 pesos to pay for his lunch which I gave him. We walked up a long flight of stairs to the top look out point of the Chocolate Hills. The hills were supposedly formed by coral deposits back when the land was underwater. The view of the hills was nothing special and a little disappointing. Funny, the view was the same view as one of the postcards at Genesis. After some picture taking, it started raining and we went down and at lunch at a local restaurant.

Jaylo drove us back and wanted to visit a big python snake but we declined. I was super tired for pretty much doing nothing all day. When we got back to Alona, Ramona and Patrick wanted to do a dive but it started raining a lot. We hung out at Coco Vida for some mango shakes and decided to meet for dinner at Hayahay for dinner at 8 pm. It rained heavy during dinner and throughout the night.

- jason

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