Mona Lisa and Ren dance to the music at Coco Vida
I ate a mango pancake for breakfast at Genesis with Giso. Giso asked me how my IDC planning was going and told him I was trying to find a good price the books necessary for the course. He mentioned he had some that I can use or have. Thanks to him, I was able to save at least $300 on books I would have had to buy, avoid the headache of ordering them, and am able now to start studying early.
While walking to pick up my laundry, a man asked if I was Jason. “Huh? Who is this guy?” He was Junior’s (divemaster at Genesis) step brother and found out that I was interested in renting a motorbike. I still can’t figure out how he knew who I was because I’ve never seen him before. He offered to rent his motorbike to me for 7,500 pesos/month. I said it was too expensive and I wanted no more than 5,000 pesos/month. He agreed.
For 200 pesos round trip, I negotiated for Dodong to pick me up and take me to Doljo where I would meet the landlord of the house I wanted to rent. It was a casual 10 minute drive by motorbike. The landlord, Wilie (sp?), a Filipino, and her German husband, Lorenzo, were outside eating when I arrived. Wilie mentioned that a lot of people were interested in the house but none put any money down. Fearing to lose the place, I offered to pay for half a months rent (mid-April to May) immediately. Deal sealed, first come first served.
Dodong offered to rent out his bike to me while he was driving me back to Alona Beach. He offered 4,000 pesos/month. I told him I would have to see get back to him about it because I already told the other guy I probably would take his bike for 5,000 pesos/month.
Foosball, Kicker, or Table Football... call it what you will
Back at Alona Beach, John, an Englishman I met the night before at Oops, saw me and wanted to know if I wanted to eat. We ate at Hayahay and I had some beef German dish. While eating, it started raining heavily which really limits what you can do on the beach. We ended up at Coco Vida for some drinks and ended up playing Foosball (aka Kicker, Table Football) with two apparently drunk German guys. They were really good and were fairly serious players. John and I lost the first game but surprisingly won the next two.
Rubi, a waitress at Coco Vida, mentioned she would rent our her bike to me. She mentioned she might be able to rent is cheaper than 4,000 pesos/month -- possibly 3,500 pesos/month. Wow, this is amazing. At this rate, I won’t have to pay for a bike at all!
- jason
Dude, forget the step brother if he doesn't give you a better deal. From our traveling days, we always started our negotiations at 1/4 to 1/3 of their initial offering price.
Yeah I know. I think I will go with my friend Rubi who wants to rent her bike to me for 3,500/month. Its the cheapest I've seen from what other people (including people living here) pay.
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